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California Gold Begins Work On Shopping Center

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Sonora, CA — Work has begun on the 40,000 sq. ft. shopping center that California Gold Development Corporation is building off Mono Way near Standard.

"Grading is occurring as we speak," says Jim Todd of California Gold. "Depending on how we catch the winter, it could be finished by late in the first quarter of next year."

The shopping center will be anchored by a 19,000 sq. ft. Tractor Supply Store.

California Gold recently completed work on a new Veterans Affairs facility on Mono Way near the Junction Shopping Center. "It has been accepted by the VA, and the building itself is complete," says Todd. The VA has not made a formal announcement regarding when it will begin operations.

As for the Sonora Lowe’s Home Improvement Center project, Todd says discussions are ongoing between the developers and some who are opposed to the store. Todd hopes that work can begin before the end of this year.

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