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Haynie Captures 2008 Mother Lode Round Up Queen Honors

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Sonora, CA — Tioga High School senior Jessica Haynie captured the 2008 Mother Lode Round Up Queen honors Sunday evening at the Elks Club Coronation.

20 year old Nikki Boyer of Tuolumne finished second while 19 year old Sonora High graduate Jessica Daisy Hedges finished third.

Haynie was a contestant a year ago but finished behind the evenual winner Katie May Broderick.

Haynie is a self-confessed “tomboy” with one brother and two sisters. Following her graduation she´ll pack her bags and head for U.C. Davis where she will major in dramatic arts and hopefully, she says, find the time to minor in interior design. She also plans to compete on the equestrian team.

17 “secret” judges evaluated the three contestants over the past couple of weeks in the areas of public appearance, speaking ability and horsemanship. It was Audie Archer of the Sheriff´s Posse who made the formal announcement.

Written by Bill Johnson
