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Drift Smoke Noticeable Across Mother Lode

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Sonora, Ca — Mother Lode residents are beginning to notice drift smoke from a number of controlled fires in the Stanislaus National Forest.

The Dome Rock Fire was started by lightening late last month, 10 miles north of Pinecrest. The Forest Service is managing the 380 acre blaze to provide resource benefits. The fire is expected to continue through the first week of November, depending on conditions and precipitation.

The 212 acre Cow Creek prescribed burn started this week, four miles north of Pinecrest, between Hwy 108 and Forest Service Road 5N12.

In the Groveland Ranger District, the 194 acre Femmons Meadow prescribed burn will start sometime between today and Friday, and then burn for several consecutive days. The burn site will be located eight miles northeast of Groveland.

The 100 acre Wright´s Creek prescribed burn is scheduled to begin late this week or early next week in the Long Barn area.

The Mi-Wok District fire management personnel will be conducting a number of individual slash pile burning projects on various days, depending on weather. Burning will start later this week and continue through late December.

Written by BJ Hansen
