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Net Worth Calculator

The purpose of the calculator is to walk you through a list of asset and liability categories to help you to determine your current net worth.

Net Worth Calculator
The purpose of the calculator is to walk you through a list of asset and liability categories to help you to determine your current net worth.
Assets - (What you own)
Home - If you own a home, enter its estimated market value here. Do not worry about how much you owe on your mortgage. Simply enter the market price here. If you don't know what your house is worth, ask your neighbor.
Cars - Enter the sum of the blue book values of all of the cars that you own. Again, do not worry about any car loans you have. Just enter the blue book values. You can find a blue book at the library, or call a bank and ask, or look in the classifieds for a car similar to yours.
Other vehicles - If you own a boat, motor home, motorcycle, etc., enter the retain value for these items here.
Jewelry - If you own jewelry of value (perhaps an engagement ring), enter the estimated value here
Special items - Cameras, computers, etc. Enter the amount you could get if you sold the items today.
Furniture and household items - Guess the total value of your furniture, appliances, electronics, etc. If you were to have a garage sale today what would you get for all this stuff?
Checking and savings accounts - Add up the current balance of your regular checking and savings accounts.
Retirement accounts - Add up the value of all 401(k) plans, IRAs, etc.
Savings bonds - If you have any US savings bonds squirreled away, enter the total value here. If you want to be accurate, a bank can tell you the exact value of a savings bond.
Mutual funds - If you own any mutual funds, enter the total value of the funds here
Stocks - If you own any stock, enter its value here
Life insurance - If you have a life insurance policy with a cash value, enter it here.
Other - Enter here anything else you can think of that has value if you were to sell it.
Liabilities - (What you owe)
Mortgage principle - If you have a mortgage, enter the amount of principle you owe here. You can determine the principle value by calling the bank that holds the mortgage or looking at your amortization schedule.
Car Loans - Enter the amount owed on any car loans you have.
College Loans - Enter the amount owed on any educational financing
Other Loans - Enter the amount owed on any other loans you might have - boats, furniture, etc.
Credit card debt - Enter the balance due on all of your credit cards here.
Click this button to calculate your net worth.
Asset Total
Liability Total
Your Net Worth - A positive number indicates that you own more than you owe, and that is a good thing.
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