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Polls Archive

Secret Service flagged the building near the rally site as a security concern.

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Do You Own One Or More Guns?

  • More Than One (63%, 260 Votes)
  • None (29%, 121 Votes)
  • Only One (8%, 32 Votes)

Start Date: 12/29/2015 @ 4:04 pm
End Date: No Expiry


In 2015 Did You Mail Christmas or Holiday Cards?

  • Yes (53%, 246 Votes)
  • No (45%, 208 Votes)
  • Email/Digital (2%, 12 Votes)

Start Date: 12/22/2015 @ 9:14 am
End Date: No Expiry


Should illegal immigrants in the US be forced to return to their native Country?

  • All (57%, 299 Votes)
  • Some (22%, 114 Votes)
  • Most (15%, 79 Votes)
  • None (6%, 29 Votes)

Start Date: 12/16/2015 @ 10:12 am
End Date: No Expiry


Is the US Economy:

  • Getting Worse (44%, 341 Votes)
  • Staying the Same (29%, 227 Votes)
  • Getting Better (27%, 215 Votes)

Start Date: 12/04/2015 @ 1:06 pm
End Date: No Expiry


Should All Nations Combat Climate Change?

  • Yes (61%, 406 Votes)
  • No (39%, 258 Votes)

Start Date: 11/30/2015 @ 1:17 pm
End Date: No Expiry


Where Will You Do Most Of Your Christmas Shopping?

  • Online (40%, 418 Votes)
  • Sonora/Local (38%, 403 Votes)
  • None/Other (14%, 149 Votes)
  • Modesto (6%, 64 Votes)
  • San Francisco (2%, 17 Votes)

Start Date: 11/19/2015 @ 3:31 pm
End Date: No Expiry


HUD Proposes A Smoking Ban In All Public Housing.

  • Support (63%, 454 Votes)
  • Don't Support (37%, 267 Votes)

Start Date: 11/12/2015 @ 10:07 am
End Date: No Expiry


Will You Participate in Snow Sports This Season?

  • No (70%, 461 Votes)
  • Yes (13%, 83 Votes)
  • Hopefully (12%, 81 Votes)
  • Don't Know (5%, 29 Votes)

Start Date: 11/09/2015 @ 8:16 am
End Date: No Expiry


When Do You Plan to Put Up A Christmas Tree?

  • After Thanksgiving (32%, 237 Votes)
  • No Tree For Me (27%, 199 Votes)
  • Later in December (26%, 196 Votes)
  • December 1st (10%, 78 Votes)
  • Sometime Soon (4%, 28 Votes)
  • Already Have (1%, 11 Votes)

Start Date: 11/06/2015 @ 2:03 pm
End Date: No Expiry


If Your Neighbor Grows 5 or Less Marijuana Plants?

  • Okay (52%, 457 Votes)
  • Not Okay (48%, 428 Votes)

Start Date: 11/02/2015 @ 4:21 pm
End Date: No Expiry polls are strictly surveys of those who choose to participate and are therefore not valid statistical samples. No actions are taken by nor Clarke Broadcasting as a result of the polls.

Got a question you wish we would ask? Send it to us.

We’re looking for your suggestions for the Opinion Poll. Your question can be up to 15 words long and have up to five different answers. Each answer can be no more than 10 words. We prefer that your poll questions focus on The Gold Country but we’ll take regional and state questions too.


Secret Service flagged the building near the rally site as a security concern.

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