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Your Thoughts On Housing Needs

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Sonora, CA — The City of Sonora and Tuolumne County want the public’s opinions on the housing situation in the area. Both are updating the Housing Elements of their General Plans. State law requires communities to identify and analyze existing and projected housing needs in those plans. Both will hold meetings next week to hear from residents.

Sonora City Planner Paula Daneluk says, “We’re looking for input on whether there are any income groups or other people who aren’t currently being served by the housing in Sonora. For example, if there is not enough housing for a certain group in what ways could we better serve them as a city.” Some of the feedback will be incorporated into the plans, which will determine future housing development.

Sonora will hold an open house Monday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber at 94 North Washington Street. The public is also invited to attend the T.C. Board of Supervisors Housing Policy Committee meeting next Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Supervisors Chambers at 2 South Green Street in Sonora.
