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An Update On Search For Missing Hiker Ann Herford In Calaveras County

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Arnold, CA – Using drones, canines, and 120 people, Calaveras County Sheriff’s rescue crews combed the Arnold Rim Trail area this weekend but did not find any signs of missing hiker Ann Herford. Tragic News Story Update November 30

Herford disappeared six days ago, on Wednesday, November 15, while hiking the trail. The next day, the search for Herford led sheriff’s officials to the area of the Lakemont Pines subdivision, which surrounds the Arnold Rim Trail and is north of Highway 4. At that time, they asked residents to check their property and outbuildings for any possible signs of Herford, but none were found. Then on Friday, crews targeted an undisclosed field in the Arnold area but did not find any trace of Herford.

Over the weekend, 120 searchers headed back to that field using five canine teams on the ground and in the air with a helicopter, and drones canvassed neighborhoods in the Arnold area along the trail. Unfortunately, on Saturday (11/18), stormy weather limited the aerial search, but they resumed on Sunday. Sheriff’s officials shared that a specialized high-angle rope team also covered search areas. They added, “As of the time of this release, Ann has not been located.”

Sheriff’s investigators this weekend also released new information surrounding Herford’s disappearance, noting that she is a traveling nurse practitioner. The missing person’s report was filed on Wednesday after she did not show up for work at Adventist Health in Sonora. Herford was staying alone at the Sonora Best Western on Hess Avenue. Sheriff’s officials relayed that she had “expressed interest in hiking during a breakfast with a friend” on Saturday, November 11th. Additionally, they say Herford was spotted by a resident near the trailhead, and her car was discovered nearby.

Search efforts are ongoing. Sheriff’s officials ask the public to report any possible sightings of Herford or, if anyone has any information about her whereabouts, to contact the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office at 209-754-6500. They also expressed “gratitude to Hazel Fischer Elementary for opening up their facility to aid resource staging and briefings.”

  • Ann Herford CCSO missing person
  • CCSO search and rescue crews continue efforts to locate missing hiker Ann Herford using a specialized high-angle rope team -- CCSO photo
  • CCSO search and rescue crews meet for debriefing on search efforts for missing hiker Ann Herford -- CCSO photo
  • CCSO search and rescue crews continue efforts to locate missing hiker Ann Herford -- CCSO photo
  • CCSO search and rescue crews continue efforts to locate missing hiker Ann Herford using a specialized high-angle rope team -- CCSO photo